Hair Hacks for Humidity

If you have hair that’s even remotely wavy, curly, or frizzy, then summer humidity is your worst enemy. Lucky for you, I have accumulated a few tips over the years on dealing with my unmanageably frizzy hair.


De-Frizzing Products

There are lots of products on the market that decrease frizz, although some are more effective than others. I love the Instant De-Frizzer from Living Proof, which is a dry conditioning spray that you spray on dry hair, and then comb through to smooth. I also like the Matte Pomade from Ouai.

Hair Up

It seems fairly obvious, but: put your hair up! Brush it into a sleek ponytail, pull it back with a pretty clip, or part it down the middle and wrap it into a low bun. If you need extra smoothing, use a little bit of hairspray for your stray hairs.

Embrace Your Beachy Hair

I normally take a shower and wash my hair after a day at the beach. But, sometimes embracing that salty, beachy hair is easiest. Extra texture and wave from the ocean water will distract from any frizz. Plus, any frizz will just add to the chic messiness of the look.

Revlon Blowdry Brush

The Revlon Salon One-Step Hair Dryer and Volumizer is a game changer. Seriously. I wait until my hair air dries partially so it’s only damp, and then I section my hair into two big chunks, and use the blow dryer brush. It leaves my hair, straight, smooth, and frizz free. Plus, it takes a fraction of the time of a normal blow dryer.

Brazilian Blowout

If none of these tips work for you and you really just need to get rid of frizz, the Brazilian Blowout hair treatment is a great option. Although it is a bit pricey, this treatment leaves you with smooth hair that takes half the time to dry. It doesn’t erase texture or waves altogether like a Keratin treatment, and there’s no waiting period where you can’t wash your hair or sweat. It’s expensive, but easy and effective, so it is worth it in my opinion.

These are just some of my tips, but I’m always looking for more! Please leave your tips for me in the comments, or DM us on Instagram @clothesandwater.


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