Cure Your Post-Election Stress With Random Acts of Kindness

I think we can all agree that after all the stress and pure chaos of election week, hearing the news that it was over felt like a blissful Christmas morning after the most traumatic airport experience of your life.

After a week straight of analyzing the potential political-leanings of a tiny county in Nevada and developing unrequited crushes on your favorite news anchors, it was finally over. But, as we let out a collective sigh, whether in relief or disbelief, it is important to remember to be kind to ourselves after the insanity we have just experienced. Just because the election is over, doesn’t mean the intense political division we just witnessed as a country is completely dissolved. So, as we move forward in navigating these unprecedented times, we could all benefit from promoting kindness in both our communities and ourselves. Here is a comprehensive list of wholesome ways you can be kind to yourself and others. Brace yourself, it's about to get super cheesy.

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Pay for the Person Behind You

A classic, but the sentiment still remains. In the early days of quarantine, someone did this for me in a drive-thru when I happened to be having a rough day. It was so heartwarming and an immediate pick-me-up. As we head into the colder months, my daily coffee run has become my excuse to get out of the house first thing in the morning. So, while it may be a small gesture, starting off your day by giving to someone else is an instant way to rack up good karma points. It's easy, relatively inexpensive, and just gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling. Plus, the Starbucks Christmas cups are an adorable way to get yourself into the holiday spirit!

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest

Bring Food to a Loved-One

I might be the only one, but I think my love language is a specific subset of gift-giving: bringing people food. When my sister broke up with her boyfriend, my first thought was that she obviously needed me to bring her coffee and a bagel. And while the quarantine-staple of family Zooms are getting a little tiresome, this is a great new way to connect with your loved ones. The unfortunate reality is that, as this pandemic persists, more and more of us know someone who has had, or lost someone to, coronavirus. So, making a quarantine kit for someone who has recently been diagnosed or leaving food on the doorstep of someone who recently lost someone can go a long way. Mac and cheese and cinnamon rolls won’t solve everything, but comfort foods are always a reminder that you are there for someone, and sometimes that is all we can do.



Call Someone You Haven’t Heard From

Because of the pandemic and quarantine, we are all feeling disconnected from our loved ones right now. Whether your friends are going to separate colleges or you have family members that have pre-existing conditions that make them unable to travel, this time can be incredibly isolating. But, nothing makes you feel more like yourself again than calling a loved one that you haven’t talked to in a while. So, if you're overwhelmed or just simply in a mood, give this one a try.

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Get Moving

As much as we need to be kind to each other right now, we also need to be kind to ourselves. It could be a three mile run or just a quick walk around your neighborhood. But, either way, getting outside and moving is a great way to let go of your stress. There is something about fresh air that is just good for the soul. Plus, staying active is a healthy way to deal with all of the insane events we are experiencing. For many of us, before we know it, the weather will be too cold to spend too much time outside, which makes now the perfect time to soak up the last days of fall by getting out and getting active!



Be Kind to Yourself

I had to end on a cheesy note. But, in all seriousness, It’s been a tough year, so don’t be afraid to give yourself grace. For me, curling up in a blanket and watching an episode of Gilmore Girls is an instant serotonin boost. But, for you, it could be doing a face mask, sleeping in late, hugging your dog, or simply just taking a second and letting yourself breath. I truly believe that you can’t take care of others until you take care of yourself. Take a step back, and let go of whatever you’ve been holding on to. We’re all going through it right now, so the best thing we can do is be kind to ourselves and others.


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