Manifestation 101

Wanting that promotion? Or a new crush to finally ask you out? This is the ultimate guide to getting what you want. The law of attraction and manifestation translates your thoughts and visualizations into reality. These four steps will guide you through different ways to manifest your desires!

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest

  1. Practice Gratitude

    As cheesy as it might sound, writing down as few as three things you are grateful for can have a huge impact on achieving your goals. The process behind being grateful and recognizing what you appreciate is that the universe in turn will respond with more positivity. Get a journal and start every day by writing down three things you appreciate!

  2. Scripting

    Scripting is a great way to manifest your desires. If you love journaling, this one is for you! Get a journal and write out your life as if you already have what you are manifesting. Let your imagination run wild and make sure you write in the present tense, everything in the “now.”

  3. Manifestation Meditation

    There are hundreds of manifesting meditations on Youtube that will guide you through visualizations targeted to helping you achieve anything you want! These are best to do early in the morning or night.

  4. “WOOP”

    “WOOP” is a manifestation technique developed by Gabriele Oettingen. Each letter stands for a different visualization: wish, outcome, obstacle, and plan. Essentially you spend time imagining your wish (W), what it will feel like (O), an obstacle that may get in the way (O), and your plan to combat your obstacle to get what you want (P).

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest


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