Comfy and Chic Outfits for the Holidays

The holidays are officially here and, while there won’t be much traveling this year, it doesn’t mean that you still can’t get dressed up! Fashion is a way to make you feel confident and festive, but this doesn’t have to come at the cost of comfort. Here are three outfits that are comfortable, stylish, and perfect for the holidays this year.

The Oversized Suit

Photo: @matildadjerf

Made popular on Instagram this year by bloggers such as Matilda Djerf, the boxy & oversized suit is perfect for the holidays for several reasons. Firstly, it’s a set, so you don’t have to put much thought into the outfit, but you’re still guaranteed to look put together. Second, it’s loose-fitting but structured so it’ll look flattering while still being very comfortable. Finally, it’s very easy to dress up or down which makes it a great option for the holidays and beyond. 

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The Front Slit Leggings

With the rise of lounge sets & athleisure this year, these leggings were popular in the Instagram fashion community. Since the leggings have slits up the front of the pant legs, it takes the comfort dressing staple and makes it chic for any occasion. You can find these leggings at different price points, and style them with everything from blouses to chunky knit sweaters. Additionally, this is another great outfit to dress up or down because the pants look great with sneakers, loafers, heeled boots, and a pair of stilettos.

The Silk Dress

Materials such as silk and velvet always look elegant and a little extra dressed-up in the cold winter months, which makes a silk dress (or one of similar looking materials) perfect for the holidays. Available in many different colors/silhouettes, a silk dress is also great because you can style it so many different ways. While this dress is often viewed as being very refined, it can also be a bold & playful piece, depending on the shape & print. Whether you choose a long gown, a mini, or a slip dress, if it’s in silk (or giving the silk effect) you’re sure to look chic this holiday season.


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