Travel Tips Inspired by the Twentieth Century

Traveling has definitely become easier and more accessible in the 21st century, but it’s easy to get caught up in taking photos for Insta, going to the trendiest restaurants, and relying on Yelp while traveling. While our smartphones can definitely make traveling easier, these tips inspired by the twentieth century might help you make the most of your trip.

Photo: Pinterest

Photo: Pinterest

Bring a disposable/film camera

Instead of snapping pics on your phone, bring a disposable/film camera to capture memories of your trip. Then, after you get the film developed, you will be able to relive the memories and actually see how the photos turned out. This keeps you off your phone and in the moment, while still being able to take pictures. Also, there’s an element of surprise when you finally get the photos back that will give you something to look forward to, even after your trip ends.


Put your maps app away!

Once you use your maps app to get to the general area you want to be in, shut your phone off and put it away. It’s so much more fulfilling to walk around and find your own way in a new place. You’ll pay much more attention to the interesting places you’re walking by, plus you might stumble across a hidden gem on a side street that you would have otherwise missed. Walking around with no distinct directions is the best way to get a feel for a new place and soak it all in.

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Ask the locals...not Yelp

If you’re looking for places to visit, things to do, or restaurants to eat at, your first instinct may be to go straight to Yelp, TripAdvisor, or Open Table. I have found that the best way to get recommendations is not from an app, but from people who actually live in the area you’re visiting. If your nose isn’t in your phone snapping one million pictures and following walking directions turn-by-turn, you may find yourself striking up a conversation with a local grabbing their morning coffee or a store owner that grew up in the area. Ask them for their favorite restaurants and must-sees. Plus, they probably have some insider tips and tricks on how to avoid crowds and over-hyped tourist traps. 

Even if traveling may seem easier because of your phone, sometimes putting your phone away and traveling the way your parents used will make your trip way better!


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