Amp Up the Eyes: 3 Easy Makeup Looks for a Socially Distanced Night Out

Sometimes you just have to go with the flow! Even with restaurants, bars, and other social spots beginning to open for business, your personal safety and the safety of others is of the utmost importance. But, that’s not to say you have to sacrifice glamor for health!  With most of your facial features covered up with a mask, playing up the eyes is an essential step to feeling bold after emerging from months of quarantine. Here are three effortless makeup looks that’ll keep everyone’s eyes on you (even while wearing a mask).

Colored Eyeliner 

A bright flick of eyeliner can take you out of your neutral-toned comfort zone, while still being more subtle than an intense red lip. Match the colored eyeliner to your outfit for a put-together monochrome moment or use color theory to best complement your eyes. Peachy-orange warms up blue eyes while lavender flatters brown eyes, for example. Lately, I enjoy wearing whatever color fits my mood and lifts my spirits, which often tends to be Early Girl from the Glossier Play Colorside Eye Pencil range, or a winged hot pink eyeshadow. 

Photo: @heyhialyssa

Photo: @heyhialyssa

Glitter Topcoat

We could all use a little shimmer, especially after being stuck at home, and a sheer wash of glitter all over the eyes is just the thing to satisfy our craving for sparkle. Blend out a matte brown eyeshadow all over the lid and crease, then lightly tap a pressed glitter over the shadow for an ethereal, hazy look reminiscent of sparkling stars against a summer evening sky. The Pixi Beauty Glitter-y Eye Quad in Rose Bronze is eye-safe, easy to use, and adds a romantic finishing touch. 

Photo: @marcjacobsbeauty

Photo: @marcjacobsbeauty

Faded Negative Space

You’ve heard it time and time again from every beauty blogger on Youtube- a dab of highlighter in the inner corner awakens the eye. Take it one step further by using any shade of cream eyeshadow to coat the innermost part of your eyes. Smudge the cream a bit further into the lid and crease, but only halfway, leaving the outer portion bare for a simple and smoky graphic look. Colourpop’s Super Shock eyeshadows are creamy enough to manipulate in this fashion and are available in a wide variety of colors and textures. 

Photo: @glossier

Photo: @glossier


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