Travel Bloggers Share Their Tips for Traveling Solo

Have you ever considered taking a trip alone but felt apprehensive about going solo? Next time the opportunity arises, don’t think twice about taking it. 

As women, it can be particularly nerve-wracking to travel alone, but it doesn’t have to be. I’ve brought in the voices of female travel bloggers to provide all of the tips and encouragement you need to book that trip you’ve always wanted to take. No waiting around for others to be ready - travel on your own time. Allow yourself to venture outside of your comfort zone, as there is so much more you will discover both internally and in the external world. See what these solo-travel professionals had to say about their experiences.

Anna Sherchand - A Solo Female Travel Blog

“My top tips for any woman looking to take a solo trip are:

  1. Even if you don’t have a concrete idea of where you are going, have a rough plan in place. That way you know what to expect if things go according to the plan and the alternatives you have, if not.

  2. Respect the local culture (it is best not to discuss religion or politics), and dress modestly.

  3. Have fun with newfound friends or solo; don’t expect anything from anyone. You are on a solo journey and let it be just that and embrace it. You will grow so much through it all and come out the other side as a different person.

I have learned a lot of things through my last 5 years of solo travels and have even written an article about it on my solo travel blog!”

Lisa Tejeda - The Traveling Journals

“For anybody that ever wanted to travel solo...

You can totally do it! Fear is the only thing that stops most people from reaching their dreams, along with worrying about what others may think. The only opinion you should care about is your own. Take baby steps. Book a dinner for one at a restaurant you always wanted to go to, plan a 3-day weekend somewhere you've never been, search for activities to do, or book a hostel with great reviews. Although you may be able to afford a hotel, staying in a hostel will allow you to meet wonderful people that will help feed your curiosity on solo travel. Chances are you will create wonderful memories, and it may inspire you to do longer trips and possibly go abroad. You will never know unless you try ... but most importantly, always have an open mind!

Trust me, it is better to try and fail than live with what-ifs.”

Alessia Lisa - One Girl Travel, LLC 

“If you’re considering solo travel, be prepared to go on a journey that is so much more than a vacation. Solo travel teaches you how to enjoy spending time with yourself, it will help you discover your likes and dislikes, and it will force you out of your comfort zone. Solo travel is absolute freedom that provides many opportunities for self-growth, and most importantly, it will teach you lessons that you can utilize throughout your life. My greatest teachers were the unknown places I solo traveled to, the strangers I met along the way, and the courage to experience life the way I desired.”

Alessia’s Favorite Solo Travel Destinations:

  • Edinburgh, Scotland

  • Paris, France

  • Montauk, NY

  • Rome, Italy

Lindsay - One Girl Wandering

“If you are thinking about taking the leap into solo travel, let this be your sign that now is the time. So often, we, as women, wait for others to travel. We wait on friends, significant others, and family members, completely forgetting how strong and capable we are on our own. When I got back from my first solo trip I felt like I could take on the world – BECAUSE I JUST DID. I had lost touch with just how strong, smart, and independent I could be, and solo travel has awakened all of that.

Your first solo experience doesn't need to be extreme. Start with taking yourself out to dinner, go for a day trip nearby, explore a park or a museum by yourself. You can work up your comfort level bit by bit from weekend trips to the next town over, to a week away in another city, and before you know it you will be confidently boarding your first international flight solo.

Traveling solo changed my life, refocused my goals, and has helped me grow, not just as a person, but as a member of this world. I fully believe it can have the same positive impact in your life.”

Maggie - The Modern Happiness

“Solo female traveling has become a very popular thing in the last few years, and it should be! I wrote about why you should start solo-traveling on my blog. 

To sum it up – here are my top tips: 

  1. Always tell your friends or family where you are going and for how long. I usually post on my social media feeds about my experience and where I am as proof of my location (just in case). 

  2. Register your travels with the State Department and write down contact info of the closest embassy or country office that you reside in. 

  3. Depending on where you are, book accommodations near hospitals, office buildings, police stations, or public transportation hubs for convenience, safety, and easy access, should you need to leave.

  4. Don’t fear solo traveling. Know your limits and work around what you’re comfortable with and just start there. Baby steps... 

  5. If you want to solo-travel as a lifestyle, like I am, then that will require you to re-think your career path, family planning goals, and financial management. It’s not for everyone and requires huge sacrifices, but if it’s what you want, then it will be worth it. The secret is commitment here.  

I started out taking mini trips alone near Washington, D.C., and then one day I took the leap of faith and have been roaming the planet on my own for the past 8 years. It is nerve wracking if you’re new to solo traveling, but that comes with any new experience. It puts you outside of your comfort zone and you will be surprised by how much of a better person you become due to the challenges you face. And when I say “challenges”, I mean the process of unpacking your emotional insecurities and turning them into emotional intelligence. 

You will learn so much about yourself, your strengths, your weaknesses, and how to take care of yourself mentally and emotionally.”

Amanda - The Solo Female Travel Network

“There are endless travel resources online, so when I am asked for my top travel tips I always say

  1. Use packing cubes.

  2. Bring a high quality water bottle.

  3. You will never feel prepared enough for your first solo trip, and at some point, you just have to go! Be open to unexpected itinerary changes even when they feel disappointing, smile back at friendly strangers, and keep some unscheduled time in your plans to just be with yourself in the moment. 

If you are dreaming of that solo traveler feeling of freedom but just don't feel ready, consider joining a group tour before you go totally solo. Our Meetup Tours are designed to give you extra safety, connect you to locals, and give you some solo time to explore knowing we are all waiting for you at the end of the day.”

Still need more inspiration? Follow these ladies, and you’ll be inspired to book your first solo flight in no time! You’ve heard it from the professionals - take that first leap of faith. The challenge will be worth it, and you never know what opportunity it could bring. Your adventure starts now.


Dreaming Of Salem


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